Generate a certified proof of the content of your record
Electronic Certification
Evicertia allows the certification of the content of high-volume transactional logs, for long-term custody with the possibility of retrieving the information at any time and generating the corresponding certification to demonstrate the inalterability of the records in custody.
What is it?
It consists of a software platform (SaaS or on premise) that allows the collection of large volumes of data in order to guarantee its integrity in the future, perform searches and research and generate electronic evidence of business processes.
What is it for?
It allows storing, finding and recovering relevant technical or business information in an agile and long-term way, as well as safekeeping, and in a pay-as-you-go model, of large volumes of evidences. This solution ensures the legal validity and integrity of the evidences, as well as regulatory compliance.
How does it work?
The service consists of three main elements: collection, search and generation of evidences. The records are collected by agents or batch processes and sent to the platform, which indexes and signs the evidences and metadata. It allows the analysis and consultation of the data in a similar way to that performed in the Google search engine. The evidences generated include all the information of the records, electronic signature and time stamp.
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