Facilitates healthcare facility resource management and patient communications

100% digital and with full legal guarantee.
Safe, Fast and Simple
Patients are the basis and objective of the health system. Everything in this sector is created to provide the greatest welfare for the users taking advantage of the resources available. How is it possible to offer a better service at the lower cost? The use of electronic platforms like Evicertia eases the resources management of the sanitation facilities and the communication with patients. It can be used for the signature of informed consents, goods management with suppliers, staff management, communications to workers… all this electronically and in a secure way.

Patient Informed Consent

The client receives the informed consent by e-mail or SMS, or by navigating the website, being able to sign immediately and in multiple ways: OTP, Digitized signature, challenge…


Insurance Acceptance

The client receives the Policy request by e-mail or SMS, being able to sign immediately, both the application and the attachments (e.g. general conditions), in multiple ways: OTP, Digitized signature, challenge…

Insurance Acceptance

The health center can send a request for approval of any kind of intervention for the insurance company to reliably approve or reject it.

Insurance Acceptance

Evicertia can establish a flow of invoice approval with multiple people taking part and with different signature levels, incorporating reviewer or informed figures. Participants will just need a web browser and a corporate e-mail.

Signature of Supply Contracts

The department that receives the product or service, the purchase department or both of them receive a document with the details of the supply, being able to approve or reject it and putting of record the whole process in a certified manner.


Labor Contracts

The collaborator receives the Contract and the attachments by e-mail or SMS, being able to sign immediately and in multiple ways: OTP, Digitized signature, challenge

Labor Contracts

The collaborator receives the documents with the details of their on-call or minimum service by e-mail or SMS, being able to accept or reject their content and putting on record the communication and the recipient’s decision in a certified manner.




In all cases, Evicertia generates, guards and certifies the content of the documents and communications, the issuer’s identity, the recipient’s identity, the acceptance or rejection, the signature method, as well as the time at which each one of the steps has been performed.

OTP*: One Time Password.

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