Digital signature of contracts, notifies acceptance of the quotation

100% digital and with full legal guarantee.
Safe, Agile and Simple
Digital signature of contracts
How many opportunities can you lose in a sale by having to delay the signature? How much time and money are you prepared to spend to have a contract signed? Are we sure that what we really rent is what we expected? As a rental provider, do I know what I can demand and claim from my client? Usually, rent, deposit or sales contracts, have many data that the client does not read, so they do not know what the signature of the contract implies. Or they read them and those data paralyze their final decision. What you need is a solution like Evicertia, which makes the conditions clear in a certified manner, apart from allowing to set responsibilities, accept budgets and contract directly.

Direct contracting with clients

The client receives the rent, deposit… contract by e-mail or SMS, being able to sign immediately and in multiple ways: OTP, Digitized signature, challenge…


Change of conditions

The entity may send the update of the contractual conditions using any of the means at its disposal: e-mail, SMS or mailing address. Evicertia certifies the content of the communication, the recipient and the date/time of the shipment.

Form of deadlines

The entity can send the information related to the completion dates of any service, event, supply… by e-mail, SMS or mailing address. Evicertia certifies the content of the communication, the recipient and the date/time of the shipment.

Pre/post-rental services

The client receives an e-mail or SMS showing a link to the document with the agreed conditions. The recipient can accept or reject and sign it immediately and in multiple ways: OTP, Digitized signature, challenge…

Insurance contract

The client receives the Policy request by e-mail or SMS, being able to sign immediately and in multiple ways: OTP, Digitized signature, challenge…







In all cases, Evicertia generates, guards and certifies the content of the documents and communications, the issuer’s identity, the recipient’s identity, the acceptance or rejection, the signature method, as well as the time at which each one of the steps has been performed.

OTP*: One Time Password.

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